“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.”
Read this today and it seemed to chime with some of our current discussion about how the kingdom / peace (shalom) of God works as opposed to the Pax Romana (Pax Individualism / Pax Market / etc) works.
Its full of great adjectives that perhaps help take things from conceptual discussion to actual action in community, things that create an experiential distinctive about how we act
Adjective - The part of speech that.... limits, qualifies, specifies or distinguishes
So with the use of our power today we find it deliberately and consciously;
- limited by grace
- qualified only by grace
- our actions specified to us by grace
- our life lived and touching others distinguished by grace
I guess its a call to be 'christlike' when you look at it - its a wonderful description of the life he lived and that we are attempting to follow
So today - what you sowing!?
(to get the verse in context check out v 13-16 as well, as tony the tiger says 'there grrreat')
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