Tuesday, 2 December 2008

JD Crossan on the Xmas Story - Peace, another King/Saviour - what you talk'in 'bout fool?

V thought provoking podcast from the Homebrewed crew (they are on the podcast bar on the right)

This is JD Crossan talking about the Xmas stories - might be good prep for the 'Christmas form the underside' F2F on Monday.
Perhaps most people would have said - 'What do you mean 'peace on earth', a king/saviour - we all ready got it (Caesar)' So what is the story saying?
Muse on through Advent.


Tripp said...

thanks for the link love. that is an awesome picture you used. very powerful.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tripp - thanks for the comment love! This artist is great - why not play guess the influences before checking this which has his biog on - http://engagesheffield.blogspot.com/search/label/good%20samaritan

We'll have to do you a homebrew holla sometime and if you are in the UK there is a fine selection of weisse beers and local microbrew ales to tipple lined up for you and your clan

Trust Alecia & Elgin are good, I know Elgin makes regular appearences on your podcasts - my daughter does the intro and outro on ours - http://engagesheffield.podomatic.com/
