Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Check out the new features pic puzzle

New features up and running on engage blog - check out the site to find the 4 main new ones and match them to the photos. 1st correct answer via comments gets a (virtual) prize!


Dee said...

Going to need a prize of the chocolate variety to engage my brain to that extent!!!

DS said...

Hi dee - for you I could stretch to a virtual galaxy bar! - you worked it out yet?

Dee said...

No deal - its gotta be the real thing - think I have worked it out though!! Deal?

DS said...

how small do those bars come? - go on then - deal

Dee said...

Ok, great, here goes my ideas:
1. 3-day eventing : next event feature.
2. cat: in French chat i.e. live chat.
3. Pole: new poll feature.
4. Links to other websites.

Bring on the chocolate bar!